15 November 2008

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization
by: Gally Reznor

After you've opened your website and purchased unique domain, you want to be found by the potential users. Since the web space contains millions of websites , there is a constant struggle between websites over the first places in search engine results for competitive words.

Getting to the highest places in search results of Google or Yahoo is a very long and tricky process involving loads of work on your website and outside it. In this article I'll list some information about how Search Engines determine relevancy, a short preview on search engine optimization.

First of all, let's review two most important algorithms Google uses to determine page relevancy – Page Rank and Hilltop.

The basic concept of Page rank is : the more incoming links your page has, the more important it is. Page ranking is given per page and not per website so don’t be surprised if your website shows different ranking on different pages. Page Rank is calculated as follows:

PR(A) = log10((1-d) + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) + ... + PR(Tn)/C(Tn))) when :

About The Author
Gally Reznor is a web developer and marketing manager at Site123.com. Visit http://www.site123.com

Secret Search Engine Optimization Strategies: How to Turn Keywords into Conversions
by: Derek Gehl

Are you focusing your search engine optimization efforts on getting tons of traffic from the search engines?

If you answered yes, then I am about to tell you something completely different from other Internet Marketers.

Forget about getting tons of traffic from the search engines. Get LESS traffic that converts MORE!

The Secret to Turning Keywords into Conversions is to Keep Your Keywords Focused

For example, if your site sells an all-natural remedy for acid stomach problems...

You start to do your keyword research and you discover that the keyword phrase "natural remedies" has 288 daily searches. But it has over 2,000,000 sites competing for it.

While the phrase, "acid reflux natural remedies" has 67 daily searches with just over 11,000 competing sites.

Do you want to spend all your time and effort trying to optimize your website for the first keyword phrase?

You may get more searches, but you'll never know how many of those searchers want to buy your stomach acid remedy. Not to mention the HUGE number of competitors the keyword has!

Or would you go for the second term, which only has 67 people searching for it -- knowing those 67 people are looking for EXACTLY what you offer? And, it has a MUCH lower competition number to boot!

Obviously, the second term is better!

Sure, you might get less traffic -- but the visitors you DO get will be MUCH more likely to buy your product.

Why You Will Make More Money with Less Traffic That Converts More

People search the Internet to find a solution to a problem and not necessarily to buy something. So what problems will they solve by coming to your website?

Think of a keyword as a "problem statement" that someone would type into the search engines.

When you can match your keywords to the exact problems they're trying to solve. You'll attract the BEST visitors to your site so you can focus all your optimization efforts on them!

Here are some more keyword research tips that will help you turn keywords into conversions…

Top Search Engine Optimization Tips for Finding Highly Focused Keywords That Will Bring the Absolute Best Buyers to Your Website:

Check your server logs. See what keyword phrases people are actually using to find your site. If there's something relevant that you've overlooked, build a page focused on that keyword phrase.

Also look for keywords that are causing people to leave right away because they're not finding what they're looking for. Ditch those keywords immediately.

Look for "intention." Say you sell cross-country ski equipment. People can come to your website looking for different things.

For instance:
They're looking to buy a specific product
They're looking for product reviews
They want information on how to get started in cross-country skiing
They want used or discount equipment
They want to know what kind of equipment will be best for them
They want to know what's new and hot in cross-country ski equipment

Same products -- far different intentions!

If you optimize a page (or pages) for each different problem people are trying to solve, you'll give them what they're looking for…

That means they'll stay on your site longer -- and you'll have a better chance of getting them into the sales process.

Check out your competition. What keywords are your competitors optimizing for, and on what pages?

You can spy on them by going to their websites and looking at their code!

In your web browser, just go to View on the main menu and click on Source or Page Source to "look under the hood" of any competitor's site. Then you can see what they're doing right and what you could do better.

Find your best keywords with pay-per-click advertising. This is the fastest way to find out just how well different keywords perform.

Pay-per-click lets you run ads based on two or three different keywords at the same time. This enables you can track which ones convert best. Make sure the ads click through to pages that relate directly to the keywords.

Focus your SEO efforts on the specific keywords that describe EXACTLY what problem each page solves. Don't be tempted by more general keywords with higher traffic numbers. They'll never send you the traffic you want.

Follow these search engine optimization tips and you will turn keywords into conversions.

Keywords: how to make money online, how to start internet business, ways to make money online, internet marketing course, online marketing course, internet marketing training course, web marketing course, how to start an internet business, e business strategy, online small business course

About The Author
Derek Gehl helps over 1.8 million Internet business owners per month create incomes of $100,000 to $2.5 MILLION or more per year. Now you can discover the exact roadmap - broken into 6 easy-to-follow steps – that Derek uses to make money on the Internet in record time with minimal investment at: http://www.marketingtips.com/tipsltr.html?s_cid=PRLEAD http://www.marketingtips.com/tipsltr.html?s_cid=PRLEAD

Your Checklist To Search Engine Optimisation Reports
by: Derek Rogers

The most important online marketing strategies that can help you be successful with optimizing your business on the web include building a plan, blogging, an email list, press releases, and much more. Be sure to have these items on your checklist and you will have an excellent and productive website for your business.

The first and most important strategy for optimizing your search engine for your website is to create a plan for your site and your business. You should determine all of the most important things. What are your goals for accomplishments with your site and who is your audience going to be? That is, what types of people do you believe will be interested in your products and what people do you believe you need to target that will continue to come back for more. You need to make a decision how you are going to make your website better than others, how it will stand out from the rest and grab the attention. All of these answers to these questions should be the base of your web plan to optimizing your website and they should be at the top of your checklist.

The next thing that you need to do for optimization of your website is to create a marketing plan that will work and get the word out about your business and your site. This includes writing press releases and getting them out to every contact that you have in the media. You should also post the press releases online to every place that will allow you to. In addition to writing press releases for your website, you should write extensive articles about your website, your company, your products, and more. These articles should contain important keywords that will take people back to your site. You should also include your website and company information in all of the articles including contact information if people have questions.

Creating a blog should also be on your checklist for total optimization. This is the one way you can have the keywords that you need for your site to be pulled up in search engines and remain at the top. You should start relevant conversations, add posts, and useful data to your blog and keep people coming back for more. If you are talking about a subject that is important to people they will discuss issues with you, in return, adding more keywords to your site. You should also get on other blogs across the Internet and talk about your website and your products in other blogs. This is good advertising for you also.

You should build a mailing list for optimizing your site. This can be done by determining who your audience is. Your email list may be created over time as people enter in their information and if they request to be on the list. It is important to respond to requests through email and to let the people that do come back know that you care about them as a customer. The best thing about email is that it is free and extremely helpful for your business.

Another way you can optimize your site is by offering incentives to people who visit your site. You can offer free stuff, discounts, and more. People often search the web just for free items and by doing this you are generating more traffic to your website.

There are many points you should add to your checklist when you are concerned about optimizing your website on the Internet for your business.

About The Author
Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For Reports, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading specialists of Search Engine Optimization Reports: http://www.impactmedialtd.co.uk

Search Engine Optimization
by: Giovanni Gallucci

Search Engine Optimization, Positioning, Promotions, and Submissions

At yellow7.com we offer a service called search engine optimization, which is a high return marketing strategy. A process of conditioning a website for top search engine ranking. The marketing objective is to create new streams of traffic that are the most valuable leads available - those referred by search engines.

More people discover websites from search engines than all other online promotion sources combined. Leads are highly qualified since they are derived by the visitor's actual need represented by the keywords used during the search engine process. Studies prove that this approach substantially increases revenue. Best of all, the return on investment is unmatched by any other website marketing strategy.

In today's world of website promotion, a business needs an effective Internet marketing strategy via an aggressive search engine optimization and search engine positioning campaign and a quality, optimized website that targets and matches your business goals with online customer needs.

Search engine optimization, also known as search engine placement, search engine positioning, search engine ranking or search engine marketing, can act as a 24/7 salesperson driving targeted search engine traffic to your marketing message.

Search engine optimization will help you:

* Increase traffic to your website
* Create a gap between you and your competition
* Develop fast and measurable returns on investment
* Lower the costs of client acquisition
* Broaden your market share

An aggressive search engine stategy includes a look into all aspects available including: pay per click campaign management, manual directory & search engine submissions, rank position, keyword marketing research and search engine promotion.

About The Author
Giovanni Gallucci

With over a decade of expertise building communities online and search engine technology, I am recognized as a social media expert, new media producer, and a leader in search engine marketing. My areas of expertise encompass community building, web design and development, website architecture, online marketing, new media, natural web site optimization, online viral marketing, and social media consulting.


About Search Engines

How Search Engines Find Websites
by: Timothy Tye

One of the sweetest things for a webmaster is to go to a search engine - maybe Google, Yahoo, or MSN - type in a keyword, and voilĂ , they see their own website listed on the first page, or better still, ranked at the top of that page.

You can go to Google and type "Guide to earning a living without a job", you'd see that this website, HappyJoblessGuy, is ranked at the top spot of the first page. It's just less than 3 weeks since I started this website (many of you have followed it since Day 1, so you know I have not misrepresented the dates). How do I get there so fast? Well, that's what I want to share with you. And, if I can do it, so can you! But why should I teach you the secret? Because I firmly believe that everybody should have the opportunity to earn a living without holding a job. Whether or not you want to do it as a side income or a full time job is entirely your business. And what do I get in return? Quite honestly, I make HappyJoblessGuy into a very important website that helps lots of people.

I do say that, if this website provides you valuable lessons, please feel free to donate - especially after you have become successful. If asking for a donation makes the information not free, fine, regard what I am sharing with you as not free. In fact, regard it as priceless - you can name the price, any price, from zero dollars and more. In a future chapter, I will also show you how you can place a donation link on your website. If you are freely giving away valuable information that touches people's lives, you'd be pleased to see that some actually show their appreciation by donating back to you.

One of the easiest ways for you to earn money from home is through advertisements that appear on your website. I covered in the previous chapter how you can add Google AdSense to your website. If you are keen to see it happening, set up your website and apply for the AdSense account. Otherwise, all your success is a fragment of the imagination. I have seen it happening to my websites, now I am sharing this with you so that you can try it and start earning money too. But that's just the first step.

In order to be successful, your website needs one key ingredient: traffic. Yes, Virginia. No traffic equals no search engine ranking equals no money. Simple as that. And you know, you'd never get any traffic till you get a good ranking in Google and all the other search engines. But how do you do that? How do you get the search engines to find your website?

There are millions and millions of websites out there, how do the search engines find websites and rank each of them? That’s the whole purpose of this article, to supply you the answer. If you're on the verge of starting your own website, I hope it also provides you the motivation to get started. The reward is very sweet. Not only is there the pleasure of seeing your website listed for all the world to see, you also improve its traffic, and if you've added Google AdSense, it means getting more advertising dollars.

In the early years of the Internet, it was pretty easy to get a top rank on the search engines. Granted there were fewer webpages back then, search engines were also less sophisticated than they are today. If you ask me, do I prefer them now or back then, my answer to you is a resounding NOW. Although search engines today are more sophisticated - and there are more websites to compete with - today's technology allows for more relevant search results. Today's search engines are more sophisticated than years ago; now they are better able to recognize quality, and are not so easily fooled into ranking dubious websites. The likelihood that someone fools a search engine into providing his website an unfairly high ranking has diminished, and the likelihood of searchers finding the most relevant results has increased. How was this achieved, and how then can we increase the chances of our website to be listed?

The answer, quite simply, is by understanding how the search engines of today work.

There are many search engines out there, but the most popular are Google, Yahoo and MSN. Of these three, Google takes the lion share of all Internet searches - no small feat, considering Google was the newest player in the field. On the Internet, however, being newest does have its advantage. Google's search engine simply outshone the rest. It was more sophisticated and accurate. And looking at Google homepage, the search engine also appears deceptively simple. But behind that simple front lurks a mighty beast. As a result, close to half of all Internet searches today are done on Google. Yahoo is a distant second, MSN an even more distant third, and everybody else bites the dust. So if your webpage ever want to be anywhere significant on the web, it has to be ranked high on Google.

An entire industry has sprouted up to help people get their websites ranked high on the search engines. Many use honest ways to improve your website but there are also those that use dubious ways to try and fool the search engines. My advise to you is: don't ever try to fool the search engines. Search engines expect you to play by the rule, and if you let them catch you trying to fool them, they'd throw you out of the rankings faster than you can yell "Google!"

Rather than getting someone to help get your website ranked high in the search engines, however, I recommend that you learn to do it yourself. I may have mentioned it before but I'll say it again: you cannot be a captain who can't tell stern from starboard. You need the acquire the skill necessary to guide your website up the ranks, and I'm here to help you.

There is a lot to learn, and I'll break them down into different chapters:

- Choice of topic
- Content
- Keyword Density
- Search Engine Optimization
- Page Rank
- Back Links
- Promotion

In the subsequent chapters, I will go through with you how you can improve your website on each of the above areas. To reach these and other related articles, go to my website, HappyJoblessGuy.

About The Author
Timothy Tye began earning an income from the web when he launched his first website four years ago. Since then, he has started several successful websites that allow him to earn an income without holding a job. He believes that anybody can do it and shares useful tips and knowledge in his website, http://www.happyjoblessguy.com.

Optimizing Keywords for Search Engines
by: Rahman Mehraby

All SEO experts believe in the importance of optimizing keywords for search engines. Search engines need to know enough about your keywords so that they can help your pages visibility. If you're optimizing keywords for every page of your site, search engines help those pages be found as well.

How's Optimizing Keywords Done?

Before any other things, you need to select your keywords carefully and smartly. Keywords aren't the words or phrases that you invent. You have to discover what searchers are typing to find what they want. Then, you choose the closest to the content you want to write and write with those keywords in your mind.

Use a Variety of them

To distinguish individual pages of your site from each other, optimizing keywords for search engines can help. Every webpage on your website should have its own keywords or key phrases. Search engines, then, realize your pages are different from each other. Also, they see what the difference is.

On the other hand, in optimizing keywords for search engines, it will be very useful if the keywords of various pages on your site are similar and/or relevant. This, of course, will be the best SEO tactic in terms of optimizing keywords and will enhance the content relevancy on your site.

Optimizing Keywords or Key Phrases?

Today only the known brands or very successful websites use keywords successfully. Does it sound disappointing? Don't worry! What I mean is that one single word (common name) can hardly bring you targeted audience unless you're well-known or famous for that single work.

So, what's the solution? You have to get involved in optimizing keywords for search engines in a precise way.

Use a string of words, a key phrase. The longer a key phrase, the more targeted your site visitors. Of course, there's some limit to it! These days, three-word key phrase or even four-word key phrase is the best to have.

For example, "affordable search engine optimization India" brings more targeted customer to your site than "seo India" or "seo packages" if you're an SEO company in India trying to sell lower-priced search engine services in your country.

Where to Use them!

You've carefully been optimizing keywords for search engines by now. The outcome should now be used at your title tags, alt tags, first two headings, beginning and end of pages, middle of pages, menu links, inbound links, etc.

This doesn't mean that you stuff the above positions with your keywords. Of course, the more inbound links with your keywords in them, the more benefit you get, specially from quality web pages outside your website.

How to Use them!

Once you've decide what key phrases to use and where and completed optimizing keywords, stick to them as they are. Never split them up by adding a word in the middle of such strings or words.

Key phrases should have appropriate weight, frequency and density on your web pages, not more not less than necessary. Otherwise, they will be seen as inefficient or spam!

Therefore, you should be extremely careful about how to use keywords or key phrases at your web pages.

How to Use Keywords Appropriately!

After you've completely done optimizing keywords for search engines, you should use them sufficiently and efficiently. This is something that search engines will find out easily. You also need to use good softwares or hire SEO experts to adjust this crucial point at your website.

While you've put all the above tactics into action, in your web pages, you could expect more targeted visitors. Obviously, this ends in having more customers who find you and buy what you've got to offer.

About The Author
Rahman Mehraby is mainly focused on Website Assessment as an initial step before taking any SEO Packages. He writes articles to help webmasters gain higher organic search engine placement. Visit his website at: http://www.site-booster.com.